Tuesday, March 7, 2017

#138 PLEASE RESPOND To Notify or Not?

For over three years we have been in our motorhome full time. We love this lifestyle and enjoy sharing our thoughts and experiences with family and friends.

Our records show the email notices of new posts going out as intended, however, some people are not receiving the notices.

We are going to re-create our notification list. All existing email addresses on the list will be deleted.

We are asking everyone who wishes to continue receiving notices about new posts to respond by REGULAR EMAIL. We will then add your email address to our new list.

This request is going out by email and a new post so some people will receive this notice twice.

Thank you for helping us try to create a new effective list.

Ralph and Linda


  1. Peter & Lorraine Jasmin
    Thanks a lot for keeping us on your list !

  2. Peter & Lorraine Jasmin
    Thanks a lot for keeping us on your list !
