Monday, July 3, 2017

#146 Apr 2017 Back Home for a While

In January we had headed to Vancouver Island hoping for a milder winter than the Lower Mainland. We were anticipating no snow and earlier blooming trees and flowers. That did not happen. We had snow and not enough flowers; however, we did explore some of the Island.

Now in early April in Surrey there were late blooming trees and slowly warming weather. The magnolias were beautiful and showy.

We always enjoy BBQ competitions and experienced a new one in Yarrow.

The samples were great and generous, especially the Pulled Duck and Apple Pizza!

There were teams from Washington state to Vancouver Island to Red Deer, Alberta competing. Team names and logos are always entertaining.

Many times we’ve talked about getting a propane firepit and finally made room in a storage bin so we can enjoy a fire regardless of where we are parked.

We have known Karen and Keith since our kids were babies in the ‘70s. They were our inspiration when we decided to become full time RVers and we continue to meet them whenever and wherever possible.

They were in Vancouver for a few days and together we explored Lonsdale Quay on a beautiful sunny day.

The view towards downtown Vancouver is always fascinating with ships and the Seabus on the water.

The sails on Canada Place and the cruise ships are always a beacon.

There are many unexpected vignettes along the streets.

We never tire of visiting Granville Island. The cement plant towers and trucks are eye catching.

The surrounding fence is well decorated.

The mountain view under the Burrard Street Bridge conveys some of the beauty of Vancouver.

Cormorants were very busy over the water and under the Granville Street Bridge but we couldn’t determine why this one was carrying what appeared to be a piece of metal.

We had a great day with lots of sightseeing and visiting with Karen and Keith.

1 comment:

  1. Where's the photos of Karen & Keith? Wonder if the BBQ cook off was a precursor of the one in Penticton on Canada Day weekend?
    I, too, love Granville Island. missing it.
