Wednesday, August 1, 2018

#189 July 2018 Chetwynd and Chainsaws

From Prince George we headed northeast to Chetwynd where we left the mountains and entered Peace River Country. 

The mountains flattened and the view spread out.

We see many unusual sights on our travels. This 1930s car has been used regularly since the early 70s. The trailer is from the 60s.

Chetwynd is a community carved by success.

These three bears chainsaw carvings were commissioned to help celebrate the 50th anniversary of the construction of the Alaska (Alcan) Highway.

Since 2005 the second weekend in June has brought chainsaw carvers from all over the world to the "Chetwynd International Chainsaw Carving Competition".

Currently there are over 180 cedar carvings scattered around town and area.

“The Fight of a Lifetime” by Ryan Cook depicts his father who was a firefighter. Ryan has been featured on Global BC Morning News several times. It is fascinating to see what he can create within an hour in the studio parking lot.

This year's 1s t place winner "Joanne" is absolutely amazing.

“Tree Beard” is Big!

“Pathways to the North” by a Chetwynd carver is very appropriate for the area.

“The Goalie” is very North American.

“On Eagles Wings” by an Alaskan carver conveys the majesty of the birds.

This 2018 carving displays a few of the local birds and animals.

This 2018 carving captures the relationship between First Nations people and animals.

After the competition the carvings are taken to the Public Works Yard. They are protected with a minimum of 3 coats of wax and stored 5 to 7 days until they are ready for the elements of the seasons.

When the carvings are brought in for repair and maintenance they get at least 3 coats of stain and cracks are filled.

Around every corner we saw another fascinating carving.

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