Tuesday, June 11, 2019

#205 Sep 2018 One More Stop

In the summer Penticton is too hot and busy for me but is very comfortable in September. We visited friends and favorite wineries.

The grapes were just waiting for harvest.

We have driven past the Osoyoos Desert Model Railroad many times and finally stopped this year. 

The Railroad opened in 2003. Since then family and friends of the Pedersen family have created the biggest little European Railroad in Canada. Up to 45 computer controlled trains run on over 2 km of track. 

Scenery, buildings and people are painstakingly created. Ulla has painted over 25,000 little people.

A gurney was constructed to vacuum and clean the displays.

Very detailed scenes of roads and small towns connect the train tracks.

Tiny people are on the carnival rides.

Parachutists cruise over the town.

Hot air balloons float

Concerts draw people

Bridges keep people and goods moving

Smart cars wait for drivers

Parades entertain 

Off Roading


Night skiing.

Periodically lights are dimmed to provide a night view of the scenes.

Unfortunately train derailments happen.

The repair shop and roundhouse can handle most problems.

The creativity and attention to detail are amazing and well worth repeat visits. 


  1. we really enjoy that museum and plan another trip this summer.

  2. what a neat discovery. Loved every part of it! Also Ralph looked really cool as a cucumber - yep, picked too..
