Sunday, August 27, 2017

#153 Jul 2017 On Eagle's Wings

Ralph has worked for several weeks this summer. When I work on the same days we both get up at 5:30 so I can have the car. We leave home just after 6 AM and drive along Highway 99 where it parallels the shoreline of Mud Bay and farmland. There are rewards for getting up early.

On top of a transmission tower there is an eagle’s nest which is occupied every year. From May to July I took hundreds of photos. I enjoyed each morning as Ralph drove at highway speed and I craned my neck and camera to catch the eagle family.

This spring was extra special as there were two eaglets in the nest. By late June we could clearly see both eaglets. An adult was always nearby keeping watch.

At times an adult could be seen in the nest with the eaglets.

The eaglets ventured out of the nest and cautiously observed the world around them.

They tested their wings.

By early July the adults were farther away at times. They watched from power poles but always facing towards the nest.

By late July the nest was empty. We look forward to seeing next year's eagle family.