Friday, June 22, 2018

#174 Feb & Mar 2018 Is it Spring or Winter?

We always enjoy an early spring compared to the prairies. This was February 3rd.

Four days later the view was very different. 

Seven inches of the fluffy white stuff.

The sky was blue but didn't invite us to sit outside and enjoy the weather.

Early March I flew to Calgary to spend a week with Danica while Dave worked in Edmonton. There was lots of snow on the mountains.

And in Calgary.

There was no place to put the ploughed snow – just higher and higher.

I had a very unique week with Danica. I was there when she left for school and returned home. We shared our days, watched movies, did crafts and games and just generally hung out. A very special time together.

Dave, Danica and I had lunch with Joey and caught up with his life as well.

When I got home Ralph and I took time to spend a day being tourists. Harrison Hot Springs is always a complete change of scene.

This time we finally walked to the source of the hot springs. 

The hot water comes downstream and is diverted to the community and hotel swimming pools.

Sasquatch continues trying to intimidate visitors.

Mt Cheam dominates the view.

The next day, from Blackie Spit in Surrey, we enjoyed a different view of Mt Cheam - on the right side of this photo.

A winter moonrise / sunset topped off our explorations.

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