Saturday, March 1, 2014

#22 Feb 2014 Hearst Castle and Zebras!

Yes, we found the answer to the zebra mystery. Read on!
Financially, Randolph William Hearst was very successful and he wanted to build his idea of a European castle on the ranch his father had started. In 1919 at age 56, he started creating his vision high on a hill near San Simeon, California.

The day we visited the Castle was the first day of rain in months so we bought some pictures to show the place on a beautiful, sunny California day.

On the ranch Hearst had a zoo with exotic animals such as polar bears, camels and yes, zebras. Due to the economic times, in1936 Hearst started to sell some of the exotic animals. The zebras had adapted to the ranch and grazed with the cattle and were never sold. Today they still roam with the cattle and impress passers-by.

Casa Grande, the castle, was the centre of hospitality for the Hearst family and guests who included Hollywood stars, Presidents and business tycoons. The evening would begin in this great room which is larger than many modern homes.

About 9 PM dinner would be served in the refectory.
Yes, that is Heinz ketchup and mustard in their store bought containers. Hearst loved the history and style of Europe but this was a working ranch and he wanted everyone to remember where they were.

The formal gardens are beautiful and connect all the buildings and the Neptune Pool.

Three guest cottages contain bedrooms, bathrooms and sittings rooms. All guest were required to go to the main house for their meals, even coffee or snacks. This was not a hotel.

The indoor Roman Pool is breathtaking. There are over a million one inch Murano glass tiles, some of which contain a layer of gold leaf inside.

From the hilltop you can see for miles, and miles and miles.

1 comment:

  1. your photo shop ability astounds me. you'll have to teach me how to do this, Linda, it's impressive. These pictures inspire us to make this a stop on our next go round. Well done.
