Monday, March 10, 2014

#25 Mar 2014 Monterey Bay Area

Monterey Bay area has inspired countless artists from painters to poets to writers such as Robert Louis Stevenson and John Steinbeck.
Steinbeck was born and raised in the Monterey/Salinas area and drew much of his inspiration for his novels from the land and people of his home and countryside.

In 1960 Steinbeck drove this truck and camper around the US to reconnect with the people who were the strength and character of his country. “Travels with Charley In Search of America” was the result of his trip.

This trip is our exploration of the world around us and this blog helps us share our experiences with family and friends.
The influence of the ocean is visible around every corner. Pier 1 on Old Fisherman’s Wharf has the shops and restaurants and whale watching tours.

Ralph tried to help this fisherman but was too late.

Pier 2 has the fishermen with commercial and public sales. Some of the fishers (sea lions) were well fed and resting under the pier. PS: Ralph was holding the back of my jeans when I took these photos!

Cannery Row was the heart of the fishing industry until over-fishing led to the end of the sardine bounty. In the 1950’s Monterey turned to tourism which has flourished.

Nearby Castroville is the “Artichoke Center of the World”. We learned that they grow on bushes, are harvested a few times a year and the plants produce for 2 to 3 years. Another piece of trivia we will try to retain.

In Moss Landing the sea lions seemed to be calling someone on the boats but no one answered.

This otter was enjoying lunch.

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