Saturday, May 4, 2019

#195 Aug 2018 Family Reunion and New Memories

Ralph’s mother’s family (Bergh) has a family reunion every three years. We started in the 80s every five years but realized we needed a shorter interval. 

We are fortunate to have the Bergh homestead as a gathering place. There is lots of room for campers from tents to motorhomes. The big garage is the centre for meals and activities when it rains (which happens). Additional tents provide cover for visiting when it's hot out (which happens).

In 1931 Ralph’s grandparents (Ingvald and Mina Bergh) moved to Greenwater Creek Farm and the story began. 
In 1950 their daughter Ardeth married John Stadnek and in 1966 the story of Greenwater Creek Farm continued as they took over the farm.
In 1985 John and Ardeth’s son, Bob and his wife Cheryl, took over the farm and continue to this day.

The farm is named after Greenwater Creek which flows near the big house.

Beavers and other wildlife enjoy the location as well.

As a family we are very fortunate to have the farm as a gathering place for the reunion. Many people contribute to the success of the event and it is much appreciated. The registration fee and silent auction cover many of the costs plus a lot of volunteer hours to setup and takedown tents, meals, etc.

There is lots of yard space for RVs and tents with nearby motels and cabins for non-campers. Visiting, eating, games and fireworks keep everyone busy.

Saturday night features a family talent night. Danica is the only one from our immediate family with talent. She made up for the rest of us with her hip hop number.

The grand finale was Synchronized Feet. Hilarious!

We were very fortunate that Dave, Danica, Lindsay and Joey joined us for the reunion. Lindsay and Joey attended reunions years ago but this was a first for Danica.

The all day and evening campfire is always a highlight.

Our grandkids slept in Dave’s tent. He wanted an early start on Monday to drive back to Calgary.  He knew the tent would be wet with condensation and possibly rain. Sunday night they had a tent evacuation and move to get it into the garage to dry out.

Everyone had a great time and are looking forward to the next one in three years!


  1. that's quite elaborate. Sounds like a very close family.

  2. So grand of you to want to share with all of us. Looks like you had a great time together. Let's hear it for family!
