Saturday, July 28, 2018

#186 June 2018 Haida Gwaii Part 1 Totem Pole Raising

When we planned our trip to Haida Gwaii we learned that the ferry is Very Expensive for an RV. We left the motorhome in a park in Prince Rupert and booked a Bed and Breakfast. The ferry schedule is limited and we were only able to book 4 nights on the Islands, which gave us 3 full days to explore and learn.  

Haida Gwaii is out of this world – literally. It is a 7 hour ferry trip to a land unto itself. 

Even the ferry is unusual. Each and every vehicle is guided onto the ferry to accommodate as many vehicles as possible.

We have a small vehicle so we were tucked up a ramp into a view spot on a balcony.

The beach views are phenomenal and go on forever.

The Balance Rock has stood the test of time and weather since the last ice age.

Even baseballs have survived!

We were excited to learn there would be a totem pole raising as part of Hospital Days.

This pole raising was less traditional than usual since there is not much open space to position the new pole. The pole was supported on a log structure with ropes attached for the actual raising.

Modern weights and pulleys were utilized to maintain safety.

Elders and honoured guests were seated around the pole.

Dancers circled the sacred earth around the pole.

Beads and feathers were sprinkled at the base of the pole.

Haida and non-Haida were invited to help raise the totem pole. Ralph is in the blue shirt near the front of the line.

Even with the mechanical assistance there was a lot of muscle required to bring the pole into position.

It was an exciting occasion and an honour to participate in this traditional event.

Safety and stability are paramount as the weather can be wild on the coast.

As depicted on many totem poles, eagles were plentiful as they watched for the salmon.

This one flew right in front of the car and landed in the tree a few feet from us.

More about Haida Gwaii in our next post.


  1. sure is nice to travel vicariously through friends.

  2. I remember raising one in jr high, a huge honor to take part in those at any time
